If You're a Parent of a Griffons Player...

  • Come to Nevada to see your son play! Stay in our local hotels and dine at our restaurants, and let them know you're here because of the Griffons.
  • Make a donation to our end-of-year Memorabilia Auction.  Each player is asked to bring an item from their school for the auction, but items from parents that feature hometowns are always a bit hit!
  • Consider a donation to the team.  All donations are tax deductible, and you'd be helping out by "paying it forward."

Did you know that it costs between $55,000 and $65,000 each year

to provide a season of Nevada Griffons baseball?  

Our Board of Directors works year-round to raise the funds necessary to hire and house coaches, buy uniforms, pay umpires, feed and house players while they are on the road, rent a bus and pay a bus driver....and the list goes on.  How can you help?  

If You're Local...

  • Come out to the ballpark to see our games, or better yet,
  • Buy a Season Pass!
  • Come to the Griffons monthly lunch, the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
  • If you're a business owner, purchase a fence sign or advertise in our yearbook.
  • Consider sponsoring a Game Night to highlight your business.  
  • Donate to our annual Radio Auction each spring.
  • Host a player in your home during the season.​​
  • Make a cash donation - all donations are tax deductible.

Mail donations to:

Nevada Griffons

P. O. Box 211

Nevada, MO  64772

If You're a Griffons Alumni...

  • Come back to Nevada to visit us!  We love to have past players join us!
  • Consider sponsoring an ad in our yearbook.  Past players have provided us with notes on their memories from playing here in Nevada, or highlighted their current business ventures.
  • Consider a donation to the team.  All donations are tax deductible, and you'd be helping out by "paying it forward."